Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Clematis Update - Wip Part 5

Since have not had a chance to be at home very much during daylight hours in the past two days and I hate painting at night, I have not yet finished this Clematis. It is slow going...not sure if it is worth all this effort:-( It is not turning out the way I had seen it in my mind.

The picture was taken inside, near a window, on this very, very gray the colors are undoubtedly a bit off.
 As always, I love to hear your comments. Positive or negative, they keep me going!


  1. It may not be turning out how you saw it in your mind, but it's turning out great. So much sunlight on it, the shadows are great, the colors are striking.
    It's just one of those "slow" paintings and you may be getting tired of it - if so, just paint on something else for a while and come back to this, although that might throw off your rhythm for painting all those petals. Just persevere and you will have one great painting.

  2. Thank you, Deb. Yes, I am getting tired of this painting:-) I have been playing with sketches for new paintings...I even feel like doing a poured watercolor, which I have not done in quite a while. However, if I put this away now, it many never get done. I can stay home all day tomorrow and I intend to make this painting my priority...we will see at the end of the day how it looks.
    I appreciate your encouragement and wisdom!

  3. Am not sure of course what you were envisioning but I definitely like what I see. It's purple so that's a huge plus. I hope that whether you work on it tomorrow or whether you lay it aside to return to with renewed and refreshed eyes, this piece will be finished when the time is right. I'd love to see what you come up with. Then again, I like this clematis even in its unfinished state. (I sometimes actually prefer unfinished paintings to finished ones which can seem "too manicured" to me, and I enjoy abstract work as well.)

  4. Country Dreaming, thank you for dropping by. I certainly hope that you will visit again.

    I really like your submission for Gary Keimig's January challenge! I will certainly visit your blog again.

    If I don't finish this painting, I can always say that it was to please you:-)

  5. I love the direction this painting is taking. Purple is one of my favorite colors and mixed with the pinks and yellows make this painting very striking. I can't wait to see it finished.

  6. I can't see anything negative with this painting. It is lovely and just needs to be finished.

  7. Nancy, how boring the world would be without purple! I am so pleased that you like it so far!
    Vicki,you are too sweet!
    I will post again tomorrow afternoon...hopefully an almost finished painting.

  8. To me its looking good. The contrasts are there, the colour is there. Its often difficult to match the vision in our heads and sometimes it is good to put it aside and work on something else for a while then go back to it later.

    And there's nothing wrong with completely trashing something either if its not behaving for you! Then its called 'a study' :)

  9. Cheering you on, Christiane. Even though it may not be what you envisioned it is a lovely painting and one I hope you get to finish soon.

  10. Jeanette and Ann,thank you! This morning, after a good night's rest, I like the painting a lot more than yesterday:-) I have completed about half of what was left to paint...If I don't have to rush off somewhere this afternoon, I should be able to say: Done!

  11. Christiane, you are so right, we are hard on ourselves aren't we? I find the middle stages of a painting to be the most difficult. That is when they really do not look like we hoped and it can become a real labor. I love the start and the end but boy that muddled middle is tough. Hang in there, and keep on, keepin on. The "vision" you had will soon begin to appear. Sometimes, as other posters have added, it is best to put it aside for a while and work on something else. Or as you experienced a good nights sleep will often reveal a much different view in the morning. I love coming back to the studio to see what i've done the night before. It often looks much better than i remembered. Smile!

  12. I'm really loving what you've done so far. Sorry you're sick of it, but I sure hope you finish it. It's gorgeous!

  13. Thank you, Ross and Deb for your great encouragement. I am so pleased to say that I have just finished that painting...and I like it!!! I thought I had ruined it when I painted the last section, but I think that I found a viable solution. I will take a picture of the painting in a few minutes!
