Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Latest Watercolor Painting: Notre-Dame Sentinels

Latest Watercolor Painting: Notre-Dame Sentinels

Notre-Dame Sentinels
This is an original 12.25" x 10.5" watercolour on top quality Italian Fabriano Artistico watercolour paper. It represents some of the gargoyles or chimeras on top of the Notre - Dame Cathedral in Paris. From the top of the cathedral's towers the stone creatures have had a magnificent view of the city for centuries. To see them up close, you have to climb almost 400 steps. The The staircase is narrow and the steps are fan-shaped, so skip the climb if you're claustrophobic, wearing high heels or simply don't want to die of exhaustion. I have managed that climb twice in my life...easily when I was a University student and very painfully a few years ago.

This painting may remind you of such a climb...or may spare you one:-)

This painting will need to be matted and framed