Monday, June 29, 2015

My Polar Series in Canada Day Window

My polar series in hand embossed pewter
Above is part of the Canada Day window display of the Kevin Dodds Gallery in Ottawa, Canada. Kevin chose my hand embossed pewter works to add a very Canadian touch to his holiday window.
All these pieces are on a wood panel with the pewter work on an acrylic background. The polar theme includes polar bears, Inukshuks, wolves, kayaks, whales...and a maple leaf to complete the Canadian theme.
I am very fortunate to work with a gallery owner who is so supportive of my work.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Great Fun with Aquabord

For the past week, I have been playing with 4" x 4" Aquabord, the Ampersand panels made for watercolor.
I had tried this surface once before, but without success. This time, I really like what I am achieving. The result is not the same as a watercolor painting on paper, but it certainly has its advantages. The surface does not buckle or tear, paint lifts back to the white so easily, and it is very easy to varnish.
Disadvantages: well, when you paint in layers, the previous layer will have a tendency to lift ...and you need to adapt your painting techniques. I don't think anything will ever replace for me the pleasure of working on my Fabriano SP paper, but I am certainly having fun with the Aquabord.



   Above are three florals I painted in the last week. I think they look great on a small mini easel, but they can as easily be inserted in a regular frame for wall display.

What has been your experience with Aquabord?

Monday, June 8, 2015

Judge's Pick Winner - May 2015- Daily Paintworks juried monthly contest

I have been a member of the international online gallery "Daily Paintworks" since it was created a few years ago. However, this month, for the first time, I entered one of their monthly juried contest. The work submitted was my  "Neptune's Sea Horses - Florence" a 15" x 31"  ( before framing) original watercolor....( see detail below) .....and I found out this morning that I was one of the Judge's pick winners!

Check out the winners and entries of the May competition and the previous ones :

"Neptune's Sea Horses - Florence"- detail of watercolor by Christiane Kingsley
What a nice way to start the week!